Programmes of Study

Studying economics at CETEC is a great way to enhance your career. In today’s competitive environment, professionals need the skills to adapt to modern economics occasioned by globalisation.

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Programme of Study: Theology and Economics

Fundamentals of Theology and Economics

This is an 8-moduled programme. It is 9 months in 1 year of studies made up of lectures, syndicate work and project work. The CTE programme will help participants to develop deeper knowledge and understanding of modern field of economics to enhance and prepare them for their professional career and impact on national development.


Module 1: Introduction to Holistic Theology of Mission

Module 2: Ethics of responsibility for Creation as Mission

Module 3: Basic Concepts in Economics

Module 4: Ethics and Economic Thinking

Module 5: Historical and Theological Roots of Work as Worship

Module 6: Basic Concepts in Theology and Economics

Module 7: Ethics of Responsibility and Moral Reforms for Nation Building

Module 8: Home grown initiatives orientation for home grown Solutions



In order to successfully complete this 1 year course, students must complete the mandatory coursework and achieve a passing grade of 50% on the overall course; 2 days of 4 hours a day weekly and 50% on the final mandatory siting examination.