Theology and Nation Building Mission–Africa (TNBM) is a contextualization mission for moral restoration for socio-economic liberation for Africa birthed by Trinity Reforms Ministry.

Christian Mission had been a business for the Western World that transformed many nations. Thankfully, the conversation has changed on a new narrative today as churches are actively sending out ministers (African missionaries) to other cultures around the world. Ghana and Nigerian are 2 African countries in the top twelve missionary-sending countries worldwide. The Biblical missionaries and the Western Missionary Societies (WMS) have been some of those who have paid their dues in the mission of God, (Missio Dei) to reconcile and restore human beings into a relationship with God. A time-honoured historiographical comparative research study by the founding president of TNBM shows that both Apostle Paul, a biblical missionary, and the WMS did not limit their missionary activities to evangelism for only spiritual salvation. They presented the Gospel, Jesus, the bread of life, as the Saviour in his holistic liberation provisions to meet the spiritual, social, economic and political needs of nations. It is thus the turn of Africa and African missionaries to set out into Mission to present the holistic liberation of Christ, the Gospel for proper order of prosperity.

Trinity Reforms Ministry (TRM) is an Evangelical Christian Mission Ministry incorporated primarily for Evangelical Mission towards spiritual, social, economic and political liberation. TRM is purposed to drive proper order of development for Africa through a holistic mission. Inarguably, African nations have been burdened with severe corruption (deviation) from ideal life for home-grown, superficial ethics of materialism, resources abuse, instant gratification and the philosophy of futility underlying the unfettered consumerism in both Christianity and secular world. This implies there is a systemic problem of lack of proper order of national prosperity. The need to fix this systemic problem with the responsibility of Christian Mission is thus indispensable. TRM thus draws motivation on this need to develop Theology and Nation Building Mission in the academia and Christian mission for proper order of prosperity. 

TNBM is a Christian Mission Think Tank designed to lead Africa to engage theology with culturally-rooted questions that border on spiritual, social, politics and economics. TNBM deploys education, ethics of responsibilities and innovation to lead the discourse for answers to these questions in nation building. TNBM seeks to achieve this mission with four drivers: (1) Center for Theology and Economics (CETEC), (2) Centre for Theology and Governance (CETGO), (3) Theology and Nation Building Summit (THANBS) and (4) African Christian Missions Conference (ACMC). These four are designed to drive nation building goals on the tenets of theocratic ethics of responsibility for structural, transformational and sustainable national development. Essentially, TNBM is a modern field of contemporary mission, which is anchored on innovation and ethics of responsibility for moral renewal for home grown initiatives for home grown solutions for proper order of prosperity of African nations.

TNBM thus becomes a Christian mission Think Tank to partner the Business, Academia and Government (BAG) in nation building for sustainable national development in Africa.